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When New York University's Fales Library offered to archive the documentation of Thieves Theatre's history to give context to our project The Hill, we were motivated to create our own digital archive.


The website is an ongoing project where we catalogue Thieves' history -- from its inception in Chicago in 1981 to its reimagining into International Culture Lab in 2007 -- including newly (re)discovered memorabilia.

Particularly emphasis is given to Thieves' paratheatrical production that spanned 1990-1993. Nick and Gabriele had erected a tipi in a Manhattan shantytown (known as a The Hill) to commemorate the centenary of the Wounded Knee Massacre and then lived in it for almost three years.

Gabriele's journal from that period was published by Autonomedia in October 2021. Nick is writing his own version of events in a serialized autofiction that recounts his experiences from memory, a thrilling complement to The Hill.

You can buy The Hill from Autonomedia, from Printed Matter, from Amazon, or directly from Gabriele HERE! (USA only)